Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to write to reviewers

Getting reviews for a new book is quite a task!  The best results I have had to date have been the result of always researching the name of the reviewer and making it a personal letter to request a review.  Think about it.  Reviewers don't owe you a reading service.  It can take days to read an involved novel. Yes, and sometimes you would like those hours back after reading so much pap!  At least a Kindle read is a slightly faster process than a book read. Unless the battery dies mid-chapter ...

Write a short letter, always put the request in the subject line, ANYTHING to make the task of the reviewer easier.  Offer to send a PDF but many will like to see your production on amazon.com so do include the link which you can politely shorten on tinyurl.com.

If you're cutting and pasting, don't accidentally leave any inappropriate material in your emails.

But you know all this, right?

Good luck with your marketing and wish me luck with mine!

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